Prairiewood High School

Per Ardua - Through Striving

Telephone02 9725 5444


'U-FIT In' (Understanding Fitness Involves Turning Individuals)  is a health and personal wellbeing program, developed by the SWMACC - South West Multicultural And Community Centre - in partnership with PACE, Mission Australia.

 The program incorporates two components:

(A) Understanding fitness and strengthening functional movements and enhancing the physical and mental side; and 

(B) A hands-on mentoring component focusing on positive reactive strategies to address  anger management, anti-social behaviours, and enhancing or stabalising the emotional skills of an individual. 

This program will be run by a Cert 1 qualified Crossfit trainer and assessor, who will provide component A, and youth / community workers / guest speakers will facilitate component B. 

The program will run each Friday. Students invited to attend are expected to bring plenty of water to drink and their own lunch. Students must bring school sports uniform into which they can change prior to the program. 

As this excursion is a carefully considered program, expectations of student conduct are high. Students who are not able to conduct themselves in a respectful manner may be removed from the program.