Promoting health, supporting student health care needs and reducing health risks are important to everyone at our school. Please contact the school on 9725-5444 to discuss your child's health care needs.
Prescribed Medication
If your child is being prescribed medication that needs to be taken during the day, please inform us so that arrangements can be made for the medication to be administered. Please read the important information about prescribed medications at school.
If your child has been diagnosed with an allergy or allergies, it is important that you tell the principal as soon as you become aware of it, or if your child's allergy changes. If your child is diagnosed at risk of an anaphylactic reaction an individual health care plan is developed that includes strategies to minimise the risk of a severe allergic reaction.
Please contact our Business Manager, Mrs Luisa Macguire to make an appointment for an individual health care plan.
Managing Complex Health Needs
An individual health care plan is developed for each student with complex health needs. The plan supports students with severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis and those at risk of an emergency or requiring the administration of specific health care procedures.
Please contact our school office 9725 5444 to make an appointment for an individual health care plan.
Infectious Diseases
There are many infectious diseases that affect children and young people. Schools and parents should contact their local health network for advice regarding infectious diseases.
Our school's immunisation program works in cooperation with our local health network of the NSW Department of Health who deliver the NSW adolescent school-based vaccination program to high school students.
Head lice
Head lice outbreaks sometimes occur at school. If your child has head lice please treat your child and inform us. Daily combing of dry hair with conditioner can get rid of head lice. You should continue to send your child to school. Head lice information in community languages.
We thank you for your support.