Parents and Carers will be sent an email to the email address you have provided the school with your username and a temporary password. You will be prompted to change this password when you first login.
Please use the link below to order your photos.
Click here to get started
Prairiewood High School School Photography Date: Tuesday 5th March 2024.
If you need any assistance please call MSP Photography on 9499 6555 or email
Student Presentation on the day,
1. FULL School uniform is to be worn.
2. Shirts are to be clean and pressed – no missing buttons please.
3. Shirt pockets are to be empty.
4. No jewellery is to be worn for the photo.
5. No colourful makeup.
Students are required to co-operate with staff instructions and be respectful toward their fellow students and staff at all times.
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Students whose parents/carers have NOT given Permission to Publish to the school office FOR SCHOOL PHOTOS to be taken will NOT have their photos taken on the day, by the school photographers.
This will mean that
· No ID Card will be issued – used when borrowing from the school library.
· Parents/carers will not be able to order any images of their child.
If however, you wish to have your child included in the School Photo Event only, you can give permission on a form that will be issued to your child.
It must be signed by parents and returned to the school prior to 2 March, in order for your child to receive their ID cards, and professional photos.
For families who still decline to have their children involved in school photograph day, school personnel will still need to take a photo of the students involved, for Administrative purposes only.