Fitness for Wellbeing is about participating in fitness activities that will enhance students' cardiovascular & cardio respiratory systems, their wellbeing and overall fitness. Sessions will be based around physical fitness so students will be performing practical tasks throughout the terms. This runs during the wellbeing lesson times (Day 10) on Fridays Week B.
Students will also have time to discuss their wellbeing around fitness, engage in activities and strategies to reduce the stressors of school and everyday life. They will increase their knowledge and level of flexibility and ability to reduce muscles tension in the body and discuss the importance of nutrition and having a balanced diet.
Special fitness sessions will also be run by the PDHPE staff, and other supporting teachers on Friday mornings BEFORE school. These sessions will begin at 7:15 am sharp, with students asked to arrive for 7:00 am. All students will be able to participate in training to develop their overall fitness with an emphasis on cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and muscular strength.
Sessions will close at 8:00 am, with a healthy breakfast including cereals, toast, fruit and yoghurt provided. Students will also need to ensure they get changed into full school uniform and have an opportunity to shower before 8:25am.