Prairiewood High School

Per Ardua - Through Striving

Telephone02 9725 5444


The Careers Adviser is located in the Library, downstairs on the left. 

The Careers Adviser is always happy to see you and they can assist you in a range of areas. These include:

  • subject selection
  • career advice
  • ATAR explanation and advice
  • scholarship information
  • organise work placement and work experience
  • apprenticeship information
  • University and TAFE course information
  • assistance in resume writing
  • mock interview practice
  • job application advice
  • part time job advice
  • information on jobs and apprenticeships currently available.
Please watch our short video with Penny Evans our Careers Adviser - with advice for parents about careers for their children.
Please watch our video "ATAR: What does it mean?" AS Penny Evans explains this for parents.