Do you use the internet to share information about yourself or others, communicate with friends, comment on what you see online, play games, get material for an assignment or buy stuff online? If you answered YES to any of these, you are a digital citizen.
Why is digital citizenship important? Do you want to get the best out of using the internet and keep yourself and others safe and healthy in an online world?
Stay smart
The Australian Government provides cyber security information for Australian internet users on the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online that will help them to stay smart.
Think before you share
We all take photos and with every phone doubling as a camera nowadays it is so easy to capture the moment. But what if the moment is something you may regret later or it is someone else's moment. This poster sets out some simple steps to self-reflect and think before you share.
Cybersmart is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), as part of the Australian Government's commitment to cybersafety. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of its target audiences of children, young people, parents, teachers and library staff.
Use our new Digital Citizenship toolkit to empower your child to understand how their online behaviour affects themselves and others.
You and your child can find information on:
- how to ‘be positive’ by understanding online behaviour and its effect
- 'be smart’ by thinking critically and being digitally aware
- 'be safe’ by protecting your security, privacy and wellbeing.
A toolkit to empower you and your child
You can find articles and videos to equip and empower your child to minimise the risks and maximise the opportunities in our digital future.
We’ve partnered with leading researchers to produce a curated toolkit – aligned to the curriculum – which teachers and you can share with the young people in your lives.
Guide your child through important concepts such as:
- managing privacy settings in social media
- collaborating online
- avoiding scams and hoaxes
- understanding the law when it comes to online speech
- Internet banking, shopping online and much more.
Keep your child safe and happy online
Visit and bookmark the Digital Citizenship website. We’ll continue to add articles and resources to ensure the best possible tools are available to help you guide your child to be positive, smart and safe online.