Prairiewood High School

Per Ardua - Through Striving

Telephone02 9725 5444

Homework Centre

Prairiewood High School boasts a successful After School Homework Centre.  The centre is located in the library and aims to provide help to students with homework, subject tutorials, other school work such as assignments, a quiet place to study, and access to library books, internet and other resources.

The Homework Centre is open to all students on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30pm till 4.15pm. It is free of charge and staffed by PHS teachers.

Students are responsible for their own transport home at the completion of Homework Centre.  

Students wishing to be considered must complete a permission note that can be collected from Ms Curmi, Homework Centre Coordinator, who is found in the English staffroom.  No student will be allowed to attend the Homework Centre unless a permission note is returned. 

If you would like any additional information about the Homework Centre, please see Ms Curmi.

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