We can help you with your enrolment enquiries anytime throughout the year.
High school expressions of interest
Year 6 into Year 7 enrolments
If your child is currently enrolled in Year 6 in a public primary school, and you wish to apply to enrol in our school in Year 7 of the following year, contact the Year 6 Coordinator at your current school to obtain an "Expression of Interest" form to complete and return to them. The primary school will forward the information to us and we will contact you once a decision has been made about your child's potential enrolment, and next steps.
If your child is currently enrolled in Year 6 in a non-government primary school, and you wish to apply to enrol in our school in Year 7 of the following year, please apply online.
For further information :
Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school - English
Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school - Arabic
Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school - Vietnamese
Department of Education Guidelines
Year 7 to Year 12 enrolments
If your child is currently enrolled in another public or non-government high school, and you wish to apply to enrol in our school, please apply online. We will contact you once a decision has been made about your child's potential enrolment, and next steps.
Subject Selection Information
Selective placement
Thinking of applying for a government selective high school for Year 7 entry next year? The selective high school placement process for Year 7 entry is administered by the High Performing Students Unit.
Application Process provides information about the application and placement process.
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.