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Prairiewood High School

Prairiewood High School

Per Ardua - Through Striving

Telephone02 9725 5444

Subject Selection Information

Subject Selection

Students at Prairiewood High School have the opportunity to choose electives in Year 8 for study in Years 9 & 10 and in Year 10 for study in Years 11 & 12. These electives may change each year. The documents below include this year's choices.

- Stage 5 Subject Selection Booklet 2024

Stage 6 Subject Selection Booklet 2024 

- Subject Selection Evening 2024




More resources are available on the Department of Education website - See website here

Mrs Evans has written a Guide to Exploring Subject Selection. Please have a read. 

Given that subject selection is about setting students up for future career paths it is important to access a variety of resources. Below are some resources to guide students during subject selection.

1.     Job Jump - see website here – which has different subjects across the top menu and also videos on subject selection like this one.

2.     Good Careers Guide – see website here – which has resources to help with selecting subjects which address university prerequisites.

3.     The Careers tab on the top of our school website also has resources from our career advisors – see direct link here.

4.     Short video about School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.

Some universities run special events to help students with subject selection. Access the careers pages linked above to understand what universities may require of you.

Key terms:

·        Prerequisites - These are HSC courses you have to have studied before a uni will offer you a place in their course.

·        Assumed knowledge - These are HSC courses the uni assumes you have studied before you start the uni course. Not a requirement for entry, but without the assumed knowledge you may have difficulties coping with your Uni studies. 

·        Recommended studies - These are HSC courses the uni suggests will prepare you for core first year uni courses. Not a requirement for entry. 

The list below are the choices for Year 11, 2022.