Our school
Prairiewood High School is a comprehensive, coeducational and partially selective school of just over 1200 students that has a strong tradition of academic, sporting, cultural and civic achievements.
The school caters for a diverse student population with 83% of students from a wide range of non–English speaking backgrounds, 13 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and 4 Special Education classes. There are currently 60 academically selective students in each year.
The school has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, student engagement and the professional learning of staff. It is held in particularly high regard by its community with numerous applications for enrolment from students outside our local area.
Students are encouraged to achieve their personal best with a particular focus on "Valuing Our Education....through quality teaching, a positive attitude, commitment to learning and a desire to succeed."
Prairiewood students are friendly, polite, well-behaved and interested in making a worthwhile contribution to their school and its community. They are representative of a wide range of academic abilities with some very gifted and hard-working students achieving outstanding HSC results. Major performance and cultural events, high levels of participation in sport, extensive student leadership programs, a strong sense of community and inclusion, highly visible celebrations of effort and success, strong and effective welfare support and high standards of behaviour contribute to a harmonious and vibrant school culture.
Our key targets include: improved literacy and numeracy for all students; strategic use of classroom technology; differentiated curriculum and learning systems as the foundation for quality teaching; increased student engagement, recognition and achievement; and staff professional learning and leadership development. These provide an important focus for staff and students and capture the essence of our school motto, "per ardua" - through striving.