27 Jun 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
Every year all schools in Australia participate in the National Collection of Consistent Data (NCCD) on school students that receive additional support and/or adjustments to access teaching and learning. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019). The data collection counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to additional support needs (Physical, Social/Emotional, Cognitive and Sensory) and the level of reasonable adjustment they are receiving. Only students who receive adjustments to learning are included in the NCCD.
All schools are required to make reasonable adjustments, where needed, to assist students with accessing and participating in educationfree from discrimination and on the same basis as other students.
The aim of the information is to help teachers, principals, education authorities and families to better support students with an identified learning and support need. It will also provide an opportunity for schools to review their learning and support systems and processes to continually improve education outcomes for students with additional learning support needs and/or disability.
The information provided to the Australian Government includes the child’s:
● Year of schooling
● Category under one or more support needs: Physical, Social/Emotional, Cognitive and or Sensory
● Level of adjustment/support provided: Quality Differentiated Teaching Practice, Supplementary, Substantial or Extensive
Teachers and school staff count the number of students receiving an adjustment due to their additional needs in their school, and the levelof reasonable adjustment they are provided, based on:
● Consultation with parents and carers in the course of determining and providing reasonable adjustments
●The school team’s observations and professional judgements
● Any medical or other professional diagnosis
● Other relevant information
Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all students and their families is essential and is an explicit focus of the NCCD. Personal details such as student names or other identifying information are not provided to local or federal education authorities.
Further information about privacy is available from https://www.nccd.edu.au/wider-support-materials/privacy
FURTHER INFORMATION You can also visit the following website https://www.nccd.edu.au/
If you have further questions, please contact Tammy So Head Teacher Learning Support on 9725 5444.